
Spaces Overview

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Spaces Overview

What is a space?

A Space in New Art City is a single URL for a virtual space where artwork and assets can be uploaded and arranged. Spaces are always inside a single world. A world can contain multiple spaces.

How much data can I upload to a single space?

In order to provide a fast loading experience for visitors including those using mobile networks, each space has a finite capacity of 80MB of non-streaming assets and a flexible total capacity of ~120MB when counting streaming assets + non-streaming.

Streaming vs. Non-Streaming Assets?

Non-streaming assets are files that must load completely before the visitor can enter the gallery. These include images and 3D objects.

Streaming assets are audio and video files. They don't block the visitor from entering the gallery because their data is streamed asynchronously.

Using Multiple Spaces

If your exhibition files don't completely fit into the upload limits you should plan to spread the exhibition into multiple spaces. When you create multiple spaces inside a single world, those spaces are automatically linked in the visitor's navigation. You can also place portals as hyperlinks in the 3D spaces.

Checking Space Data Usage

In the settings page for each space you will find a Performance Budget which calculates your data usage in that space. Only artworks that are turned on as "visible in gallery" will count against the performance budget.

Data Optimization / Compression

All files uploaded to New Art City are automatically compressed to save data capacity. There's no need to do any optimization to your files before uploading them.

See Also

πŸ“How to Improve Performance