
On Worlds & Spaces

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On Worlds & Spaces

December 22, 2021

“Projects” and “Rooms” in New Art City are now called “Worlds” and “Spaces”

Since our start in 2020, Rooms were the term for a single virtual space with one URL. We quickly found the need to link multiple rooms together to form larger exhibitions, and in 2021 that idea became Projects. With projects you could manage settings across all your rooms.

There was often some confusion to newcomers about if a room just meant a 3D structure with walls, and we had to explain that we use the term room differently to mean an individual virtual space URL. We think using the term Spaces is more clear.

The switch from Projects to Worlds is also meant to be more clear. The metaphor of rooms inside projects requires a mental leap to understand, but spaces inside worlds is more semantically obvious. We also think that worlds are more creatively exciting and will encourage people to think bigger and design more immersive spaces.

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