
How to Use New Art City’s 3D Editor

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How to Use New Art City’s 3D Editor

  • New Art City’s toolkit offers a 2D metadata editor and 3D environment editor.
  • To access the 3D editor, click the Preview button from the 2D editor.
  • It is often helpful to have both editors open side-by-side as you upload artworks in the 2D editor, and arrange them in the 3D editor.
  • The 3D editor is a first-person view, exactly like what a visitor would see.

Basic Controls:

  • WASD or Arrow Keys: Move
  • Mouse or IJKL: Look Around
  • E & C: Float up and down
    • Note that this control is not available for visitors to the published version
  • Click Artwork: Activate tools on artwork
    • Shift + Click: Select multiple artworks
  • Right Click: Cycle between movement, scale and rotation tools
  • Command/Control + Z: Undo
  • Command/Control + Y: Redo


  1. You can edit and install work in preview mode with collaborators.
  2. You can publish your work using the publish button in the 2D editor, as often as you want. Your changes do not appear publicly until you do this.